Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
IT is a fundamental to most businesses. However, equally important are:
Unavailability of Key Personnel – any event that causes the organization to have access to less personnel than normally required to perform critical functions and services. For example: pandemic, terrorism, snow storm, etc.
Unavailability of Work Place – any event that makes part or all of the workplace unavailable (floor, building, area) leads you to invoke a relocation plan
So where do I start protecting my business?
Recovering business critical functions and supporting resources within a defined timeframe needs to be set by a properly conducted Business Impact Analysis (BIA).
BIAs help to:-
- Understand key processes and dependencies
- Create (cost) efficiencies by understanding duplications
- Discover uninsured risks
The time spent on a BIA will save you money by identifying:-
- Areas of duplication
- Single points of weakness
- Supply chain issues
- Bad practice
To Speak to KS Services about a Business Impact Analysis for your organisation call 01274 77 22 44 or Click Here.