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Testing / Rehearsals

Testing / Rehearsals

Rehearsal is an essential way of assessing the effectiveness of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans. We can assist in running various levels of BC/DR rehearsals from a desktop walk through to a full blown office relocations and disaster simulation.

BCP Testing

Desktop Review – Assessing and theoretically testing the current plan, it processes and outcomes.

Partial Test – Running through a restriction of site access scenario, planned processes and their outcomes.

Full Test – Delivering a test scenario which assumes a complete loss of site.

IT Disaster Recovery

Desktop Review – Assessing what the impact would be, through a loss of selected IT services in the event of a major business interruption.

Partial Test – Running through a loss of some IT services and the delivery of on or offsite restoration of these key functions.

Full Test – Delivering a test scenario assuming complete loss of IT services. Providing a full on or offsite restoration.

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