Testing / Rehearsals
Testing / Rehearsals
Rehearsal is an essential way of assessing the effectiveness of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans. We can assist in running various levels of BC/DR rehearsals from a desktop walk through to a full blown office relocations and disaster simulation.
BCP Testing
Desktop Review – Assessing and theoretically testing the current plan, it processes and outcomes.
Partial Test – Running through a restriction of site access scenario, planned processes and their outcomes.
Full Test – Delivering a test scenario which assumes a complete loss of site.
IT Disaster Recovery
Desktop Review – Assessing what the impact would be, through a loss of selected IT services in the event of a major business interruption.
Partial Test – Running through a loss of some IT services and the delivery of on or offsite restoration of these key functions.
Full Test – Delivering a test scenario assuming complete loss of IT services. Providing a full on or offsite restoration.
Our team can assist with anything from independent due diligence and risk assessment to full business continuity planning.
Online Planning Tool
Offering an incredibly flexible solution catering for businesses of all sizes.
Our utility is: Template Driven, Progress Tracking Facility, Risk Management and a Document Store
PR Planning
Our experienced Public Relations team can help you build and develop a PR plan to assist with the handling of a minor or major business interruption.